Monday, April 30, 2007

A thoroughly Scottish moment!

It is a gloriously sunny (though windy...) Monday morning in Edinburgh. I am sitting at our kitchen table by the french doors, enjoying the sun, and a very scottish breakfast - a bowl of porridge. While you can get oatmeal, well, all over the world I imagine, oatmeal isn't quite the same thing as a proper bowl of porridge. Porridge oats are ground finer, so make a different consistency of oatmeal, or porrisge. Here's my recipe from today:

1/2 cup of porridge oats
2 1/2 cups water
5-6 dried apricots cut into pieces
2 heaped tsps stewed rhubarb
dash of vanilla essence
dash of apple pie spice

mmmm..... delicious!

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