Oddly, we felt a little homesick as we unwrapped our things. It's just that we could picture everything in our old flat, and the associations each item has to our life in Grand Rapids. There were two clocks on the crate - one fancy digital that reads the weather, and automatically adjusts to daylight savings etc... the other, a normal analogue wall clock. Both were unpacked when the alarm on the digital began to go off - both had continued to tick away during the entire trip over here, and the alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. GR time every morning, apparently!! That was set for the day the movers came to Grand Rapids. We had a good laugh at the odd bits of food that had been packed up including an opened box of Rice Thins (see below!), the end of a bag of crackers, and multiple jars of peanut butter for Brian. Turns out he needn't have packed them as he's coping just fine with the UK Tesco brand! Brian was excited to get his tools back and immediately had them out to put Fi's bike together. He is also walking on air (or should I say, sitting...) as he now has his mirra office chair again. All felt right with the world this morning, and finally we feel like we can settle in a bit more. The most exciting thing from Fi's point of view, is having the kitchen table. Now we can have guests around for a proper sit-down meal - something we miss a lot. In celebration, we'll be having a few friends round for dinner on Friday evening :-)
The funny thing is that we were getting used to living with what we had. I suppose that's the lesson, isn't it? We don't NEED ANY of the things delivered to us today in order to survive.
Here are a few pics from the morning adventure. As always, more later.
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