Sunday, April 1, 2007

Four Weeks!

Yesterday marked our fourth week to the day since we touched down on Scottish soil. Sometimes it feels like we've been here longer, and at times it feels like we just arrived. Either way, we've survived this far and for that, we're thankful. There have certainly been days when homesickness paid us a visit. We're well aware that we're repeating ourselves, but we miss things. Friends. Routines. Familiarity.

It's a funny feeling to know that we're not returning to the States in a few weeks. Usually when we visit there's a sense of urgency in all things - from stocking up on M & S underwear (!) to spending time with friends. Knowing that we are staying is taking a bit of getting used to! Also, Fi is having what might be considered a rather weird experience. She keeps hearing Scottish accents and it takes her aback!! Having lived in the U.S. for so long, hearing Scottish accents became a novelty (a nice one!). Now they're all around...fantastic!

Despite the moments of homesickness and longing for routine and familiarity, we are doing very well. Brian's work is going well and Fi has a couple of job leads (watch this space!).

There's not too much else to tell today. More later!

Fi & Brian

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