Saturday, June 30, 2007


During April, the weather in Scotland was beautiful. Sunny, warm, blue skies. During May, the weather wasn't so great. Dull, some rain, lower temperatures. During June, the weather has felt decidedly crap. Lots of rain, few days of sun - and when there is sun, it is interspersed with weird heavy downpours and a strong wind.

Sigh. Despite my incessant complaining during the hot, humid summers I spent in the USA, I would give anything for a hot and humid July. Anything other than this.

Something that has amused me greatly is the range of clothing available during the summer months. There's a definite summer theme - bikini's and other beach attire pepper the stores. However, it is still perfectly possible to find yourself a decent coat, warm cardigans and jumpers, hats, scarfs, gloves, boots etc....Which of course, is becase we NEED them YEAR ROUND in Scotland. I actually find it quite nice. I don't recall being able to buy inter-seasonally during the summer in the States (at least in the States where I lived).

I must confess that despire feeling a little depressed about the weather, I have found it rather comical. We Scots, regardless of the reputation we have for being negative, are positively 'half glass full' when it comes to summer weather. For example, I know of at least three or four people who recently planned barbecue's to celebrate their birthdays. There was an optimism that came with the announcement of the festivities. Everybody knew that the odds of the BBQs being moved inside were fairly high, but that didn't matter! In Scotland this summer, many a dedicated dad, husband, friend, will huddle beneath a large umbrella, flipping burgers, turning sausages, and charring kebabs, then scurrying inside to deliver the food to the hungry guests in the living room. Brilliant.

Of course the bad weather has put paid to all of my good intentions about getting outside for exercise. So today I did something that made me feel I had truly re-entered the culture. My one goal for the day was to go out for a bike ride. Just as I pulled on my trainers, I noticed the rain had come on. For a split second, I considered staying home, but that didn't last for long. "Och well" thought I, "a bit of rain did no one any harm, eh?" Moments later, waterproof clad, I was riding along Hawthornvale Path, a bike trail that begins outside our house and cuts across Edinburgh. I thoroughly enjoyed that bike ride. Later on this afternoon I set off for the Real Foods Store, (clutching my Eastown eco-friendly hemp grocery bag). I got soaked - but then so did every other person who walked through the door - we're all in this together!

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