Thursday, June 21, 2007

Eight things

Heidi tagged me in a little blog game so here goes...

The Rules

1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Ok, so first off, I probably won't be tagging eight other bloggers, because I don't follow more than two or three other blogs. Sorry, I am a party pooper. It's true. however, I have been feeling blog-dry over the past few days so this'll do nicely for today's entry!

Fact No. 1
I miss National Public Radio. On Monday, I had the day off (in lieu of working at the weekend). I was enjoying an afternoon of cooking in the kitchen and decided to listen to NPR (WestMichigan 104.1). The early morning news was on (due to the time difference) and then I got to listen to Diane Rehm. She was interviewing the two ladies who started and run the Silver Palette restaurant. I now really want that cookbook!!!! I got all homesick for GR, routine, Calvin - the works.

Fact No. 2
Since moving back to Scotland my chocolate intake has increased significantly. There may be several explanations for this, but I believe the central is the fact that I like the chocolate better here. Plain and simple. There's nothing better than a galaxy bar... today my chocolate intake of choice was a small bag of Cadbury's chocolate buttons. I am not sure I can keep this up for much longer without suffering the 'consequences' though... off to join the gym this weekend!!

Fact No. 3
Riding the bus makes me feel sick (see next blog entry related to this). It's the smells. Oh, the smells...

Fact No. 4
I haven't actually talked to my youngest brother since moving back. We've texted a bit, and he invited me to be added as his Bebo friend.. but that's it. He lives in Kent and works a lot. There's no other reason for our lack of communication. I think he's brilliant and I like him. We just don't talk a lot.

Fact No. 5
My middle brother might be coming to visit me for the first time. I am really excited about that, but trying not to show it too much in front of him because that'd be a major sisterly overload for him.

Fact No. 6
I have a fear of electricity. This stems from when I played bass guitar (see fact No. 7) for a summer camp in Pennsylvania in 1998. Somehow, the amps weren't earthed and I kept getting little electric shocks. Nasty.

Fact No. 7
I used to play the double bass. I was ok at it, but haven't played for ages. I have recently started to miss it a lot and wish I had kept it up.

Fact No. 8
I hate sharing my food with other people. Ask Brian...

Phew. This was hard.

1 comment:

Heidi Sue said...

First off, check out the Shutterfly album I just sent you for super-cute pics of S and Brian and S in the AWESOME dress you sent...

Fact #8 is making me laugh!! Here's the story... So, the chocolate you sent along was/is delish! I have managed to only eat two squares so far... Tim is going to keep it for me and only give me bits now and then so it lasts longer... Anyway... 2 minutes after closing the wrapper, I said to Brian, Did you want some of the chocolate? And I asked him this because I was reminded of the times that I got chocolate for you and you would offer me some... and I would always accept. What a supreme sacrifice, given your love for chocolate and your preference not to share food... or maybe you were kind enough to offer because I only ever got you American chocolate. :-)!

Thanks, Fi... I miss you.