Saturday, September 22, 2007

At home this weekend!

In complete contrast to my activities of the last few months, I spent all of today at home doing housework. Here's what I did today:
6 loads of washing (all dried on the clothes line)
Ironed a few loads of clean laundry
Cleaned our bedroom (dusted, polished, tidied, hoovered, washed the sheets etc...)
Cleaned the bathroom
Talked to two friends on the phone
Talked to my dad on the phone
Cooked dinner (roast chicken, mashed sweet potato, green beans and fruit cobbler)
Washed dishes
Dried dishes

It felt like a lot, but looking at hte list it doesn't seem like all that much after all! I blog about this to make the point that for the past few weeks and months we've been so busy we've hardly had a chance to properly clean. It would have been fair to say that our flat was approaching squalor! It felt good to get my hands dirty and to now have a lovely clean abode. the past few months have been full of cultural activies (Greenbelt, Edinburgh Fringe/Festival), travel (Belgium, London, Kent), work related events (youth conferences, leading seminars etc...). I am enjoying the chance to just be at home! Ahhh...


Captainwow said...

haven't commented in a while but just so you know, I'm still keeping up!
I say your list sounds like a LOT. Well done, and be proud! It takes me a week to accomplish my lists now. It goes like this: What will I do during Sam's naps this week? haha

Heidi Sue said...

Dearest Fi,

I actually cleaned my house this week as well. Someone had been doing it for me for a long time... and then she didn't show up this week, so I did it. It exhausted me! But I was glad to discover that I still know how to swiff a swiffer and scrub a toilet. :)

Hey - a woman is going to our church who used to go to Karen and Mark's church! She totally loved them - and met you once, she said: Jenny Hampton. She is a physics prof at Hope now - and used to teach at a college in Washington. :) She's in a Bible study with me.