Friday, March 23, 2007

Good news!

Yesterday I received a piece of good news that I just can't contain: I found out that a baby I know has just been declared cancer free. Samara (many of you know exactly who I am talking about :-) was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at only three months old. After 4 (i think...) rounds of chemo and a hell (s'cuse the language - it's appropriate I think) of a lot of courage, her liver is now free of the cancer. Samara holds a very special place in my heart for many reasons, so this news, as you can imagine, produced tears of joy. Of course, it kills me that I can't be with Tim, Heidi, & Samara to rejoice and celebrate. This is one of the consequences of moving across the Atlantic that I have to learn to live with.

The promised lenten reflections on transition will have to wait. For now, I will revel in light, hope, and good news, breaking the (Anglican only??) practice of omitting that celebratory, worshipful word during lent by yelling... ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA!

mmm.... now doesn't that feel good?!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jesus, for your healing and for the gift of your Body here on earth and thank you for this dear family and the happy, happy news they have received. We praise you and bless you for your loving presence and for the healing of this sweet girl. May her father's face be clean-shaven and radiant this Easter as we celebrate your victory over sin and death. We love you, Jesus! Alleluia! Amen!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Fi,

Thank you for celebrating Samara's cancer-freeness on your blog, in your heart, in Scotland. Of course we want to celebrate with you and Brian... I keep thinking about that trip to Scotland......


Heidi (and Tim and Samara, too!)